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DerBRC – Data Request
Need Help? Email us at dataenquiries@derbyshirewt.co.uk
My LERC is separate from Derbyshire Biological Records Centre's previous data request process which will be discontinued. My LERC is an online system and requires a My LERC log in. You can create a 'My LERC account', if you have not previously done so, on the next page.

Who can request information?

When requesting an Ecological Data Search you will be asked to choose from one of the following Data Search Types:

Commercial - for consultants, local authorities, landowners and developers seeking information for development or commercial management of land, e.g. for planning applications, agri-environment schemes etc. There is normally a charge for these searches.
Neighbourhood Plan - for Parish Councils for Parish Planning purposes only. There is normally a charge for these searches.
Non-commercial - for members of the public, volunteer wildlife recorders, landowners looking to manage their land for nature conservation, students and other researchers. There is usually no charge for these searches.

To request information from us you will need to complete a simple online form. To request an Ecological Data Search click on 'Begin Data Request' at the bottom of this page, or for further information on DerBRC's Ecological Data Search service, click on the drop down menus below.

How much will it cost?

We offer a number of standard search packages, which include species, habitat and sites data. Not all packages may be available for all enquiry types. Requesting data outside standard packages will require a Custom Search. These will be quoted separately and may be provided in a different format and within a different timescale than the Standard Packages. Please email dataenquiries@derbyshirewt.co.uk

What will I receive?

You will receive an instant quote for the search, so as soon as you accept the quote and submit your request, we can provide you with the data.

We aim to provide all standard package data within two hours of receipt of a request (subject to request type, search area size and working hours).

For standard data requests, results are made available through our unique eMapper system, with lots of useful features:

● Interactive mapping of species and sites on Ordnance Survey Maps, Aerial Photos and other background layers
● Customisable display of species records
● Filter records by year, distance, resolution, species list and more
● Download records in PDF, Excel or Shapefile formats

Where a search returns an extremely large number of records, we may supply Excel and GIS files instead of eMapper access.

View examples of our outputs. Using eMapper you have the ability to customise your own reports in PDF, Excel or Shapefile format, using all the data or a filtered subset.

LERC Action Required: You must upload a sample XML file under Configuration > General Settings to enable sample reports

This Data Request process is delivered in partnership with Cofnod. If you need help with the data request process please email help@lerc.online.